GPS Utility Logo
For managing, manipulating and mapping GPS data

Download Page

Please read the Conditions of Use before downloading any files.

New users are recommended to download the standard edition of GPS Utility . For a description of GPS Utility see the features page.

You may download any of the following files:

  • GPS Utility Standard edition Version 5.51, Released 19-AUG-2023
    This file contains the all the files you need to install and run GPS Utility together with a number of sample files to get you going.

    Version 5.51

    1. Corrects a problem with accessing the Help file on Windows 11

    Version 5.50 includes the following new function and program fixes:

    1. Released as a fully functional Freeware version - No Registration required
    2. Take care of Null waypoint names in PNT file import
    3. Support for export of symbol numbers in Furuno CSV file export
    4. Extract Route and Waypoints from ADC *.7CB files
    5. Corrected a problem with processing route leg bearings
    6. Implemented High and Low precsion for Maidenhead Locators
    7. Import 'Computerized American Practical Navigator' (CAPN) DBF/DAT file pair
    8. Exposed the style colour palette in the settings file
    9. Support for ONWA ODF files (immport and export)
    10. Support for import of Colour and Symbols for Furuno BIN files
    11. Allow Track Raw export properties to be changed in the Save Options1 dialog
    12. Suggest name change for ODF file export

    Version 5.41 included:

    1. Fix for aberrant lines in Save Bitmap... images
    2. Removed depth import from USR files as encoding fault
    3. Support for import of version 2.00 Samyung files
    4. Fixed a bug which only shows up in Windows 11

    Download EITHER

    1. the self install exe file (recommended) - run this and GPSU will install itself
      Download GPSU GPS Utility Version 5.51 - (EXE) - 2.30M
    2. the ZIP file (for user who are unable to download the EXE file)
      - unzip and run the Setup file.
      Download GPSU GPS Utility Version 5.51 - (ZIP) - 2.24M

    If you are upgrading and have your own copies of datums, grids or symbol set files, then take care to back them up before installation.

    GPS Utility (GPSU) no longer requires users to register the software. GPS Utility is now provided as fully functional Freeware which does not require registration. However, if you find the program useful and would like to make a donation to the author, Alan Murphy, then please use the button below.

    Donate .

    Any donations you make will help to keep the website open and the program readily available for other users.

  • GPS Utility - Beta Test Version

    Beta test version 5.3p is currently unavailable as it has been supperceeded by the current version 5.40.

    This is provided for users who have requested new function (for full details see the changes.txt file in the package). The zip file contains files which have been updated since the last standard release. As with any Beta level release, ensure that you have saved all data in GPSU and other programs before using it.

  • GPSU Batch File Converter Utility
    Version 1.3, Released 21-FEB-2013
    This program drives GPSU so as to convert a batch of files from one format to another format. Recent changes:
    • Sizeable window to accommodate longer file names
    • Clearer instructions
    • An extended list of file types


    1. the self install exe file (recommended) - run this and the program will install itself
      Download GPSU BFC GPS Utility Batch File Converter 1.3 (EXE) - 417K
    2. the ZIP file (unzip and run the Setup file)
      Download GPSU BFC GPS Utility Batch File Converter 1.3 (ZIP) - 393K

  • GPSU Import File Converter Utility New
    Version 1.36, Released 26-JANUARY-2015
    The purpose of this program is to help with the task of extracting GPS data from ASCII text files and producing a file that is suitable for import to GPS Utility (GPSU). Normally the files will have been produced by a Database or Spreadsheet program in a comma separated value (CSV) or Tab separated form.

    Recent changes:

    • Remove double quotes from data in rightmost column.
    • Accept dates in the form of 2013-07-28 (Y/M/D)
    • Allow user specified alignment
    • Allow user defined list separator
    • Support for Auxiliary data field (Depth, Heartrate, Heading and Temperature)
    • Support Timestamps which are seconds from 31/12/89 and Excel days from 1/1/1900
    • Provided separate columns for day, month, year
    • Deal with Leading zeros for Eastings/Northings
    • Support blank lines as tracklog segment breaks
    • Deal with dates of the form 12.08.2009
    • Deal with empty coordinate fields with an error message
    • Support Time format HHMMSS and Date format DDMMMYYYY (i.e. no separators)

    Download EITHER

    1. the self install exe file (recommended) - run this and the program will install itself
      Download GPSU FC GPS Utility Import File Converter 1.36 (EXE) - 497K
    2. the ZIP file (unzip and run the Setup file)
      Download GPSU FC GPS Utility Import File Converter 1.36 (ZIP) - 473K

  • NewGPSU Olex File Converter Utility New
    Version 1.20, Released 1st April 2023

    A program for converting OLEX files to/from GPS Utility Format Files.


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    Webpages by A S Murphy. Copyright © 1999-2022 A S Murphy
    GPS Utility Logo